Andrew Siemion

Tribute to Andrew Siemion

 A few decades ago, the human kind managed to launch their first manned rocket in orbit. A few decades later, the human kind realised that other beings may exist out there, maybe we are not alone. Some people believe we have been created as the only intelligent life form across the universe while some others tend to find this opinion quite arrogant. My belief is that questions concerning valid facts can only be answered experimentally; it is not a matter of belief but a matter of what really happens. This is what Andrew Siemion does via the SETI programme.

 Motivated by a deep sense of awe and wonder about how the universe we live at works, he is now processing signals and all kinds of information that our telescopes and antennae provide in pursuit of conscious life. Many of us have been wondering whether there is life on another planet or whether there is intelligent life when gazing at the bright, celestial bodies. Thankfully, some people managed to work on seeking answers to such questions.

 It is not an easy task. Obstacles have been surpassed, difficulties still exist, adversities will never cease appearing. One factor cannot be yet evaded or overpassed and that is the human factor. One has to understand that we are all only humans and we tend to think like that, unpredictably. This can result in a major problem when a task is not properly accomplished or at least not in the way it was initially supposed to be accomplished. On the other hand, a different opinion may result in a solution against a problem which seemed to have no solution. "Coming to understand that even the profoundest missions are ultimately carried out by human beings and face universal human challenges".

 Astronomy and marketing cannot coexist. Time, apart from having become relative, is precious and in astronomy "it is important to spend time doing careful and rigorous science rather than promotion". Natural science should be like this in all subjects, not only astronomy, but it seems that the flow of money alters humans and human scientists tend sometimes to try to promote their work in order not to lose funding or gain some for their research. Personally, I would like to see researchers not having to worry about survival as their social work is extremely valuable but not always appreciated on time.

 People's attitude towards science is usually indifferent. This happens probably due to the fact that we faced difficulties in mathematics during school years. Even Einstein's statement regarding the relation between imagination and knowledge has not been enough to inspire most of us to admire a scientific breakthrough, not until this finds an application to everyday life and can become commercial. An interesting point of view is that although there are museums all over the globe trying to promote natural science, still many people do not have the opportunity to visit them.

 Natural beauty is here, is there, is everywhere around us and natural scientists put all their effort to comprehend the way nature works and creates such spectacular wonders. Unfortunately, there are people struggling to survive and not only can they not have access to such places but they are not at all interested in science as they have a more important issue to worry about, to live another day. Maybe natural science could achieve greater accomplishments if social inequalities did not exist or were reduced.

 Astrophysics or astronomy (never before have I wondered about their difference but judging from the words'  etymology and scientific history, astronomy has too much of geometry and mathematics generally whereas astrophysics studies interactions between celestial bodies) seem to be able to capture and stimulate human mind and imagination. On some occasions the heart is devoted to these subjects of science. The best way to approach these subjects is an endless study of physics and mathematics. Even if the results seem pointless, most probably they are of vital importance but we have to discover their avail. Never give up on studying physics and mathematics: "I would always like to have taken more!"

Moderator: Gauss, Overseers.

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