Jeff Chasnov

Tribute to Jeff Chasnov

 Hidden treasures can be found all across our planet. Real educators live their lives all around the world too but they are rarer than treasures. One of them lives in Hong Kong. He can initiate you into mathematics just by watching one of his online courses.

 Jeff Chasnov is neither from Hong Kong nor he studied to be a mathematician. He started his career as a physics student. It seems that his research area in fluid turbulence had a turbulent effect on his life and career too. Jumping from physics, he ended up in a Math department (thankfully, for the rest of us). It is obvious that interaction between natural sciences occurs as it happens between molecules.

 Just like everyone, he faced difficulties during his scientific career, although he might have been more familiar with chaotic life events due to his research in the fluid turbulence field. A low quota in his initial choice of scientific departments forced him to stay outside and almost abandon all efforts. Despite the fact that a mountain of difficulties and disappointment obstructed his initial path, he persisted on pursuing his goal to study thoroughly natural science and "managed to find a supervisor at NASA" who took him as student. An obstacle can be overpassed or bypassed, the idea is not to forget the target and not to abandon efforts; persist and there are chances to succeed, withdraw from trying and there are no chances at all to succeed.

 Either if money is the scientist's motive, although "most of us scientists did not go into our careers looking to make a lot of money", or if the mainspring is fame as "certainly, we would like our work to be known", the art of marketing of one's work may be of great importance.

 Unfortunately, scientists have been relegated to common professionals and since they already come in vast numbers, their work must be categorised and maybe differentiated from one another. Since the procedure is not done by a strict and unconscientious computer but human thoughts and emotions intervene in judging, then it is inevitable that good marketing of a scientist's job and good public relations can cause a severe impact in one's career, good or bad. Nevertheless, both marketing and public relations are considered to be sciences anymore and they are taught at universities evenly like natural sciences.

 Some people have an innate tendency towards mathematics and science. These people would be attracted to natural science sooner or later. The rest would keep a passive stance towards mathematical thought. For those interested, there are plenty of videos online which "can serve to inspire more young people to go into math and science". Many of these videos are extremely interesting but people seem to ignore their existence. It is of vital importance to make people turn their attention there and discover the greatness of mathematics.

 Has he regretted any of his decisions concerning his studies? "I am sure my study path would be somewhat different concerning what I know now". Decisions usually oblige people not to choose what they want but what they are going to leave behind. The initial decision is the little start, the big bang of all the consequent events. And luck, just like turbulence, "has a lot to do with the trajectory of one's life". Still, we have not managed to fully comprehend luck and turbulence although we try. Some of us feel unlucky while some others feel as they have been favoured by luck. "And I feel like I have been lucky". Perhaps it is just a matter of one's point of view.

Moderator: Gauss, Overseers.

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